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Digi Ace is a business data conversion solution.

It converts a variety of business data into formats suitable for direct transfer or import into accounting software.


No more printing, copying and manual entry. All data IS DIGITAL, let it stay that way. Let the algorithms do the work for you - you just click-click-click and the data is fully where you need it.


All you need to do is a simple export from the business software - to excel or to the format provided by the business software. Upload the files and you instantly get the complete data back in a format suitable for further posting and processing.


The app is set up in a completely secure way, using state-of-the-art encryption methods. It is set up in such a way that no one but you can see the data and how it is processed. The data is not stored anywhere, nor are copies of it stored on a server. The conversion is done "live" and only to a file prepared for you.


Designed primarily for accountants, but can also be used by entrepreneurs. Accountants who want to optimise data processing, avoid manual work and save time choose this type of solution.
Your cost of using Digi Ace depends on which modules you need and how many organisations you want to use the solution for. In the PRICE section you can find more detailed information - both regular and promotional package prices and costs - depending on the number of TRR accounts and transactions.
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