During the summer, accounting services usually experience a bit of a "lull." Perhaps it's the right time to consider how certain tasks can be optimized. We can't imagine a better scenario than discovering a way to save about 80% of your time on one of those tedious tasks during the summer.

And what are these tedious tasks in accounting? Well, it's somewhat a matter of preference – but I doubt anyone particularly enjoys manually transcribing long bank statements from foreign banks. You know, when you print out a PDF or CSV, it says "customer" in one column, and you're using a ruler to line up the rows?

I don't know about you, but we believe that's truly a complete waste of time. Of course – if you have plenty of it (time) and your clients pay you handsomely for such tasks – go ahead. However, I still doubt that's the case for most. The truth is that entrepreneurs usually don't really want to pay extra for the additional work these statements bring you.

But there's clearly something very wrong with this picture. You're struggling with transcription, manual data entry, bookkeeping, and verification – and it's quite annoying – and what do you get out of it? Well, now these issues can be a thing of the past for you.

The solution lies in data conversion (DigiAs) – so even for these bank statements (and other Fintech solutions), you'll receive data in a format familiar to you from traditional banks… SEPA XML…
then you simply import it into your chosen accounting (ERP) software – and you're good to go.

And perhaps, on a hot summer afternoon, you'll even have some time left to dip your feet in the pool, the sea, or a basin.



Remember - Let digital become efficient. Your Digi-As :) 

The development of DigiAce is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

The development of DigiAce is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, with a financial support of EUR 54,000 under the P2 2022 call.
The aim of DigiAce is to automate the import of statements and transactions when dealing with FinTech providers. This promotes the transition to digital and more efficient business operations and encourages the recruitment of high value-added staff.
Short description of the results of the operation:
The operation has developed, refined and commercialised a web application for the conversion of business data through FinTech providers and its direct import into accounting and ERP software. In addition, we have developed and integrated the Bankconnect module, which allows a significantly simplified direct retrieval of bank statements also from traditional banks. Within the project, we have prepared the basics for building an API interface for more modern integration with other applications. In addition, the project implemented a number of other solutions, such as integration with the CRM system, integration with the payment and subscription system (Stripe) and a multilingual website - including a back-end multilingual interface (application).