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There have been several updates regarding reimbursements for business trips recently. The latest change involves an increase in the non-taxable portion for commuting and business travel reimbursements. Accountants won't be bored – with all these changes, it makes sense to summarize what each party is entitled to in one place.

In 2022, a renewed regulation came into effect, determining the amount of non-taxable reimbursements. The changes apply to reimbursements from July 1st onwards. The old amounts remain in place until the end of June.
Now you need to remember two numbers:
The maximum non-taxable amount for:
- Commuting to work is €0.21 per km (previously €0.18 per km)
- Business travel is €0.43 per km (previously €0.37 per km)


Additionally, the rule still applies that if the commuting distance is less than 140 km, the non-taxable amount remains at €140.

The non-taxable amount for meals (lunch) hasn't changed and remains at €6.12 per day, and the daily allowance rates have also remained the same.

Regardless of the change in the non-taxable amount, it's also important to consider the amounts defined in collective agreements. Each industry specifies the actual commuting reimbursement amount in the collective agreement, regardless of the different non-taxable threshold.

Employers aren't necessarily obliged to adhere to the new regulation amounts; they must pay at least the amount specified in the collective agreement. The non-taxable amount represents the maximum before income tax needs to be paid.

Since there might be quite a bit of work involved in calculations and salary processing from July onwards, accountants will have their hands full during the summer months.
While we can't assist you much in the field of salaries, you can simplify and expedite other processes – such as recording bank statements or transactions via Fintech providers. 
Check it out at: DigiAce.


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